Hello world!
This being my third or fourth blog post I think I should make it special…somehow… I’ll get to that later
So yes, in this post I am to identify with and compare myself to a non-living non-breathing object.
Now, truth be told I truly could not think of anything to write so I just googled “inanimate object comparison” to get ideas. There really wasn’t anything useful so I decided to take a quiz to find out what I resembled. http://quizfarm.com/quizzes/new/meli123/what-inanimate-object-are-you/
My result
“You Scored as light bulb
Light bulbs are hot when they're on and dull when they're off. You are at your best when you are developing ideas. You stand out from your peers.”
I do suppose I really am rather like a light bulb; I brighten the room with my cheery attitude. The world would be a silent and lonely place without me, or at least I like to think that. I am also like a light bulb in another way, I always have good ideas, I bet you’re wondering what on earth I'm talking about but do you recall a day when there used to be Saturday morning cartoons? Whenever the main character had a good idea a light bulb would go *ding!* right above their head, that’s what I'm talking about 229 words.
1 comment:
You over-achieved! I like the quiz idea. When I'm done reading blogs, I just might try it to see what inanimate object I'd be. It's a scary thought though.
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