Wednesday, January 14, 2009

end O tha Qaarta

This is the last blog for the quarter hurray!!

But i have no subject to blog about... I'll just open my mouth and see what happens..

(Commence ramble)
This quarter we had to blog about something we have read, in or out of class. Thus far I did all my blogs and am still up to date, speaking of up to date though, the computer I am typing on is a windows 2000. Its not really that old but what is interesting is that the word ‘blogs’ in the second sentence is underlined in red (meaning the computer thinks the word is misspelled). This is because blogs weren’t even invented all that long ago and we are already using them in school for grades. I think on a global perspective, so much has been invented even since 2000 that shapes our daily lives. Things like video games especially. The Nintendo DS would have been unimaginable in 1999, a touch screen and LCD screen linked in a handheld device. Another everyday device is a personal spy plane that is rather expensive but can be bought for personal use. Anyone with the money can fly around in it, speaking of flying, another invention that was key is the new paper-thin swim suits that propelled Michael Phelps to 8 gold medals this year. The suit is almost like fish scales in texture and is ridged specifically to make the swimmer go through the water with extremely low resistance. Yes, 2000 til now were some amazing years the future is equally bright. Plans for the 2009 release of a fourth Halo™ game makes this year look very good. See you next quarter!

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